IIWC 2022 Symposium - Chiloé
November 28th to December 3rd
28 de Noviembre al 03 de Diciembre
Castro, Chiloe, Chile
The ICOMOS International Wood Committee (IIWC) is one of the specialized scientific committees of ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites). IIWC was established in 1975.
The role and goals of ICOMOS’s International Scientific Committees are described in the Eger-Xi’an Principles, adopted at the ICOMOS 15th General Assembly in 2005.
“The International [Scientific] Committees (ISCs) are the vehicles through which ICOMOS brings together, develops and serves its worldwide membership according to fields of specialized interest. ICOMOS expects the ISCs to be at the heart of scientific inquiry and exchange in their domains and to share knowledge among them to foster a multi-disciplinary approach to heritage protection and management, in fulfillment of the goals of ICOMOS as stated in Article 5.b. of its statutes: “Gather, study and disseminate information concerning principles, techniques and policies” related to heritage protection.”
Managing Group
A Managing Group, consisting of five to seven members, has the responsibility to realize the approved plan of activity. The Managing Group is elected by the IIWC members during the ICOMOS General Assembly which is held every three years.
The objective of IIWC is to promote international cooperation in the field of preservation of wood in buildings and structures and to advise on the development of ICOMOS programmes in this field.
IIWC shall accomplish its objective by providing a forum for the interchange of experience, ideas, knowledge, and the results of research between administrators, architects, engineers, historians, legislators, and other professionals.
Further, IIWC aims to coordinate existing studies, to promote further studies, to extend technical cooperation, and to establish links with specialized institutions or industrial organizations in appropriate fields. The activities of IIWC include the organization of meetings, the preparation of publications, and the gathering and dissemination of information.
A series of international symposia have been organized since 1977; the latest Wroclaw, Poland (2009, in cooperation with ISCARSAH, the International Scientific Committee on the Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage), Guadalajara, Mexico (2012), Himeji, Japan (2013), and Falun, Sweden (2016).